Tender and bid preparation

Tender responses and bids are submitted to companies requesting knowledge, goods, or services from other organisations, like yours! They can be quite competitive, meaning your application must present a fine balance between quality and affordability. Winning a tender can catalyse the expansion of your business' repertoire and secure steady, long-term income.

Tenders provide an opportunity to secure big clients that are likely to sign long-term contracts

Expand your portfolio, experience level, and business prospects

Winning a tender will help you gain recognition in your field as a reliable and economical choice

If you win a tender, you secure guaranteed pay over an extended period of time

Winning a tender boosts your chances of winning another, as long as you can demonstrate success

It’s all in the details

Tenders typically have very specific requirements, and the tendering-body will be assessing applications with a fine-toothed comb to ensure the best company is chosen for the job. Here are a few aspects to keep in mind when writing a tender:


Can you deliver the required services and prove your capacity and capabilities?


Have you answered each question in its entirety and addressed key requirements?


Are your documents formatted as specified?


What will the competition offer and how can you set yourself apart?

We’ll take the hassle out of tender writing

At Sprout Scientific, we are well-versed in the detailed nature of tender writing, and we will work closely with you to ensure your application is strong while perfectly balancing affordability and quality. We thoroughly investigate the tender or bid Terms and Conditions before advising a strategy to support the greatest chance of success. With flexible fee structures, it has never been easier to put your business-hat in the ring. Are you ready to get started?